Thanks to my boss's genius idea to hold the meeting on Saturday, I am constantly searching for the answer "where to eat near RIKEN without leaving Wakoshi?"
(Last updated 2015-05-10)
Eat alone
- Gyoza No Ohsho (餃子の王将 和光店) : This is a popular Chinese restaurant usually with a long line, particularly in dinner time of the weekends. It is located at the 1F of the Itoyokado - the big supermarket near the station, next to the Lotteria. (Map link)
- Kishin Ramen (樹真ラーメン): The most popular Ramen restaurant in Wakoshi, another restaurant with long line, near the Wako post office. My personal pick is 濃厚スープラーメン(Dense Soap Ramen) [Tabelog link] [Map link]
- Sushiro (スシロー 和光白子店): Tasty, mostly 108 yen per dish. if you are a big fan of Sushi, can not miss this one. 5 minutes walk from the Ihouse H building. [Map link]
Eat with 1-3 friends
- Restaurant listed above (Gyoza No Ohsho | Kishin Ramen | Sushiro)
- Suehiro Yakiniku restaurant (スエヒロ館 和光本町店): Very reasonable price and also great taste. Enjoyed every time. 10 minutes walk from RIKEN. [restruant link] [map link]
- Ottori Yakitori Wako (おっ鳥家 和光店): Open only for dinner (17:00~24:00). Highly recommended. [restaurant link][map link]
Eat with a bunch of people
Not recommended
Restaurant you should avoid (for safety reason)
Not recommended
- Café Restaurant Gusto (Café レストラン ガスト) – the nearest restaurant and just outside RIKEN, a family restaurant [map link]
- Japanese Restaurant Tonden - overpriced, taste is just so so. [map link]
Restaurant you should avoid (for safety reason)
- Chicken Bastard (チキン野郎): I went to this restaurant for a farewell dinner with another 4 colleagues. 3 out of 5 got food poisoning the next day. The clinical diagnosis suggested the cause was Campylobacter bacteria. The restaurant is at the 2F of the Kishin Ramen, so be careful.