#A short memo on how to mount a Synology NAS share folder to Ubuntu 14.04 #Used new Sinology 3635xs Nas #First install cifs-utils sudo apt-get install cifs-utils #Make a file containing user name and password for log into the NAS nano ~/.3635xsCredentials #add following information username=******** password=******** #change the permission and only allows the owner to read and write chmod 600 ~/.3635xsCredentials #create a mounting point sudo mkdir /mnt/FastAccess #Add the information to fstab file sudo nano /etc/fstab #add following line // /mnt/FastAccess cifs credentials=/home/me/.3635xsCredentials,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm 0 0 #Check whether error occurs sudo mount -a #you should be able to get into the NAS cd /mnt/FastAccess ls -al
Monday, March 30, 2015
Mount Synology Nas share folder Ubuntu 14.04
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
in a terminal. Press Enter after reading the introductory text.
Virtual terminals in Screen can be manipulated by pressing the Ctrl+A key combination, and subsequently pressing a key to execute one of the commands given below:
c creates a new virtual console
n switches to the next available virtual console
p switches back to the previous virtual console
" lists all available virtual consoles and their assigned numbers
- hitting a number key brings the corresponding virtual console to the foreground
Esc lets you scroll back and forth in your terminal output
d detatches the current screen sessions and brings you back to the normal terminal
When a Screen session is detached, the processes that were running inside it aren't stopped. You can re-attach a detached session by typing
screen -r
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Macbook Pro Setup
This is a memo on what to do after a fresh installation of OS X Yosemite on the Macbook Pro.
- download dropbox client and install it; selectively sync two folders: AppSync and Mac
- go to App Store --> Purchases --> install 1password, aText, OneDrive, Alfred, DayOne, Gemini.
- go to System Preference --> keyboard --> Input Sources --> add desired input --> go back to shortcut --> disable command + space for spotlight search --> use it for change input method.
- go to System Preference --> Mission Control --> Hot Corners --> Left Upper (Mission Control); Right Upper (Desktop); Left Lower (Show Application)
- open Alfred --> check launch Alfred at login
- download and install Sogou Pinyin from http://pinyin.sogou.com/mac/
- Enable sync for 1password, aText and Day One
- download and install Jitouch 2; The registration code is in 1password
- Finder --> Preference --> Show Hard disks
- open office.com --> sign in --> download Office and Outlook
- Download and install Photoshop CS6
- Download R and Rstudio
- Install Karabaner
- XtraFinder
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
吉他弹唱 光阴的故事(郝浩涵、陶俊、又又)
吉他弹唱 光阴的故事(郝浩涵、陶俊、又又)
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